Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Another week has come and gone!


As we are finishing up another wonderful week in our cozy classroom I wanted to send out a few reminders!

*I sent home a form for you to fill out for our November conferences. Please let me know first and second choice and if you have any other children at the school that you would like to coordinate conference times. If you need another form please let me know! I need these forms returned by

 next Friday OCTOBER 25th!

*We have had a fun week reading, writing, and learning about bats! They now know about their keen sense of hearing and seeing using echolocation, and the fact that they are nocturnal mammals! I am so proud of all the information that their sweet brains are soaking up! Next week we are moving on to spiders!

*We have learned even more sight words this week! Keep practicing the sight word packet & phrases that went home and return the packet once your child is proficient with the words and phrases and I will send home the next set! If your child is a part of our Accelerated Reader (AR) program here at school please have them bring their AR book to school as well as we will have set aside AR time.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!!


Jessica Udd

Sunday, October 5, 2014

PLC Late Start & No School Friday!

Don't forget that the first teacher PLC will be this monday, so school will begin an hour later! ALSO- Friday is a district waver day so the kiddos have no school!!!!

What a Week!

We are off to a fantastic start!! We have been working on classroom routines and expectations in our new space and everyone is picking them up very quickly!! We are experts at working on the floor now! I am looking forward to meeting you at open house next week and having a fabulous year!
If you have turned in your paperwork or the “All About Me” pennant, thank you so much!! If you have not and need extra copies, please let me know and I will send them home with your child.
Next week I will send home a letter explaining how we will be doing “Show and Share” and who will be sharing on what day.
This week we introduced “a”, “I”, “like”, “see”, “it”, “in”, and “the”. We have been practicing them a lot and they are picking them up so quickly! We also have mastered rolling one or two dice numbers and addition games! Finally we have some new and fun songs as well! Ask your child to show you “Tooty-Ta”! ”! Please encourage your child to be practicing their sight word packets and use of the “homework calendar”!

Thank you so much for your support! I think we have an amazing class already and it's only week one together! This is going to be a great year!!! 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or you can call the school at 253-931-4974 before or after school. I look forward to working with you

Jessica Udd